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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )

All ideas

Showing 2055

Waste Documentation and Financial Class

To set up to capture waste, we have to enter Y on the individual pharmacy items. Then for the JW/JZ modifier to drop to the claim, we have to enter the JW modifier on the financial class. Please link these so that if we have set up a pharmacy item...
Susan Gutjahr over 1 year ago in Medication Management / TruBridge EHR - Financial 1

Medical Record Request through MyCareCorner

The ability for patients to complete a release of information authorization form electronically through the portal, as well as the ability for the patients to access those records through the same portal would be an awesome thing to streamline pro...
Cody Dutile over 1 year ago in MyCareCorner 0 Product Owner Review

Physician Orders need own separate listing

Currently, all of the physician orders are included int the Patient Progress Notes which also includes all of the nursing documentation. It would be nice to have a separate title specifically for physician orders only, instead of having to go all ...
Teresa Land 6 months ago in Documentation 0

System Admin > Events > adding a cosigner workflow

It would be nice to have a drop and drag when adding and removing providers for those of us that are OCD & need them in ABC order making the providers easier to search from the list. It also would be nice to have a just like option when you ar...
Angela Plummer 9 months ago in Notes 6 More Information Needed

Dressing Changes and Accuchecks need to populate on Med Rec when treated as a medication on the MAR

We treat all Dressing Changes and Accuchecks like a medication and have them on our MAR. This is a workflow that has been in place when we were on paper, while on Healthland Classic, and Healthland Centriq. We continue to have these on our MAR in ...
Todd Fannin 12 months ago in Medication Management 1 More Information Needed

Sending prescriptions electronically prior to Discharge Med Rec

This would be helpful when more than one provider is responsible for the patient's care. Surgeon and PCP. The patient may be ready to discharge per the surgeon but the PCP has not made rounds. The surgeon is unable to send any prescriptions for th...
Guest about 2 years ago in Medication Management 1 In Development

X1 Freq drops charge even if discontinued

We spend a lot of time removing X1 frequency charges that were not administered because it automatically pulls in a 1st time qty and that is a charging field. It would be nice if we could disable that feature so our claims are clean.
Brandy Wolf 9 months ago in Medication Management 1

Automatic fax confirmation image that imports into clinical history for Comm. center faxing.

Our clinic nursing staff wants a feature that will automatically log a fax confirmation into the patient's clinical history area. Nursing often has patients or other clinics that dispute if the information was actually faxed. The current fax log d...
Cole Romero over 2 years ago in Communication Center 3 In Development

Receive electronic prescriptions from other hospital

We should be able to receive electronic prescriptions from other hospital because manually entering them takes a long time and we are not in the stone age anymore.
Guest 5 months ago in Electronic Forms 0

Release of information reports

There needs to be an easier/faster way to run an ROI report to be able to see what ROI requests have been done and by who. The current one has a lot of steps and is very difficult to get the right parameters in there to get what you need.
Guest 11 months ago in HIM 0 Product Owner Review