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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )

All ideas

Showing 2055 of 2055

Pain added to vitals combo for EFORM documentation

We have the vital signs combo on our EFORMS. Can you add pain to the vitals sign combo? when i go from the EFORM and click the NEW for vitals, pain is greyed out, so we have to document vitals, save, go out of the vitals application and back in in...
Emma Fanter 9 days ago in Vital Signs 5

Block nursing from being able to type account number from the MAR screen for Med Verify

Nursing has found a way to circumvent the med verify process by typing the account number in when they go into the MAR screen before scanning medications. When I ask Trubridge support, I was told this was programmed to assist CPSI staff to test wi...
Edward Messenger 3 days ago in Medication Management 0

Observation Hours Report

In Centriq, there was an observation hours report, where it would pull the total hours that the patient was in observation. Can there be a report created in this same fashion so we can audit that we have billed the correct amount of hours for the ...
Guest 2 days ago in HIM 1

My Care Corner - Decoupled, remove email address in Thrive

When a minor is decoupled from MCC, it would be nice if it would remove the email address in Thrive so that staff know to request it again once they are 19.
Jennifer Baumgartner 2 days ago in MyCareCorner 0

Review Vitals for All Patients

Our House Supervisors are very engaged in patient monitoring and routinely use the review vitals function that used to be in TUX (POC Access-->Review Vitals-->All patients-->Review V/S for selected Patients). Currently, there is not a way...
Caitlin Strapp 3 days ago in Vital Signs 0

Need to support the use of a wireless signature pad for registration.

We would like to use a wireless Topaz Signature pad that multiple computers can access and use. We have 4 people in our front office and any of those people could register a patient, but only 2 of them have signature pads and to purchase extra sig...
Linda Pfeifle 4 days ago in Registration 0

Dropdown for non-scanned wristband reasons

If I am documenting that I am administering a med (in the MAR administration window), but have not scanned the armband, we would like a dropdown that the nurse could indicate why the armband was not scanned. Such as: Equipment failure, patient ref...
Guest about 1 month ago in Medication Management 3

Showing provider blocks on their schedule

It would be great if the providers could see the blocks on their schedule when viewing it on their daily schedule on the Tracking Board. That way they know times for meetings, etc also.
Kari Reintsma 5 days ago in Tracking Board | Patient Search 0

Fix LOINC Codes Pulling to Document Types

Fix Communication Center so the LOINC Codes will pull to the Document Types we need to setup.
Justin Rohrbaugh 9 days ago in Communication Center 0

RX Entry without dc Med Rec poses med error risks with no safeguards

Awhile ago TruBridge changed the functionality of med rec to allow physicians to escribe meds before a discharge med rec was performed. This change was helpful for a select few cases but poses some medication error risks. This change allows nursin...
Emily Brueggemann 9 days ago in Medication Management 0