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Med orders should be allowed with or without CPT codes
When CPT codes expire, the nurses are unable to enter an order for a med. This disrupts patient care. We can get the renewed CPT code on later, prior to billing as they always leave a note. Or if not, an edit can be created to send them back. This...
When a patient has a long first or last name it doesn't fall corrected on facesheets, labels, reports, etc but when patients have a space in their last name (2 "words" or more) it doesn't fall right on the claims, state data, statics etc
We need the ability to leave something with insurance instead of triggering a statement or the secondary insurance when posting payments.
If the insurance denies for a workable reason, we need the ability to leave it with that insurance FROM THE RECEIPTING SCREENS. Sending it to the patient when they shouldn't get a bill, or the secondary before it is ready is not helpful. It will n...
Since all of the MM reports are located outside of the communications area, it would be very useful if we could view the reports on one screen and then still have access to look up items. Maybe make the communications area an application of some s...
When an expiration date is added to the profile all future scheduled apt should be auto cancelled and when you go to search the patient by name it should show deceased as well instead of clicking into the chart for it to pop up.
SAFER - Warning when accessing a deceased patient record
The SAFER patient identification best practices recommend that when someone tries to create a new visit or document on a deceased patient's record they are presented a warning that this patient is deceased, do you want to continue? This is a very ...
Make the GL code visible on the Receiving Screen under every Display Type
The only easy way to see the GL number after a PO has been created is to print it. Due to how slow the system does this, it results in a decrease in productivity because we have to wait so long for the printed PO to generate.
Add timely filing limit to insurance company table
I want a field added to the insurance company table for the payer's timely filing limit. This should be a 3 digit numerical field that represents days. There should be 3 fields because each payer can have up to 3 timely filing limits - Days after ...