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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )

All ideas

Showing 2055

Add Search by NPI to Physicians Table

Add the option to search the Physicians table by NPI number. This would prevent duplicate physician entries. When a physician changes last name (ie. in the event of marriage) we often end up with a duplicate physician in the system. Being able to ...
Rodney Teribury about 2 months ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical 0
167 VOTE

Make the Notes application communicate with the ER Log so that Providers can just document times that flow to the ER Log

Make a Notes filter for Seen By Provider time, decision to admit or obs times, time of disposition ect. in Notes application and make it automatically send those times to the ER Log. Also make an alert appear if the seen by provider time entered i...
Sabrina Wiles almost 2 years ago in Notes / Registration 15 Future Development
215 VOTE

Password Self Reset

It would be beneficial to have a way for users to reset forgotten passwords without the need for IT intervention. Forgot Password? Then an email or SMS to verify identity and password reset. You could also offer MFA as an option as well.
Nicholas Dunn over 2 years ago in Security 14 In Development

Name Alert with same last or first names

Users are warned when they attempt to create a record for a new patient (or look up a patient) whose first and last names are the same as another patient, or attempt to look up a patient and the search returns multiple patients with the same or si...
Sara Chacon about 2 months ago in Demographics Panel / Registration / Tracking Board | Patient Search 0

Reorder search fields on Search by Profile

Recently the change was made from Search by Name to Search by Profile adding additional search options. The default search is DOB. I understand this is being made sticky in 22.01.xx. Great! I would also like to suggest the following: (1) reorder t...
Susan Gutjahr 23 days ago in Tracking Board | Patient Search 1 Product Owner Review

Utilize MediSpan Generic Product ID for Bedside Medication Verification

Currently, bedside medication verification is limited to NDC screening that only looks at a local, site-specific table of NDC's to match before administration. This is troublesome for the following reasons: Each site has to manually maintain NDC's...
Brandon White about 1 month ago in Medication Management 0

Landing Page on Tasks for Certain users on the Webclient

Can we create a way where we can modify the home screen for certain users through the Web Client? For example, for Physicians we would like their landing page to be 'Tasks' once logged into their TruBridge account.
Xitlaly Santos about 2 months ago in HomeScreen 1
134 VOTE

Increase Character Limit

Thrive needs to accommodate an increased character limit throughout the system. This is very limiting, especially in the pharmacy module, and poses a patient safety issue.
Guest over 1 year ago in Medication Management / Thrive Web Client 11 Product Owner Review

Allow for Chart Communication notifications to be seen on any screen rather than just the home screen.

Many times, Chart Communications are not seen fast enough because it does not send a notification anywhere other than the home screen. I wish this could be put at the top of the screen no matter what part of CPSI we are in and maybe be able to lea...
Georgia Finch 5 months ago in Communication Center 3

Task bubble

Our providers are requesting a red Bubble with the number of tasks to be added to their task tab on charts. Our providers live from the white board or tracking board and they forget to go to their tasks unless we remind them.
Guest 2 months ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical 1